Deep Waters
When waters come, what do we do? When challenges present themselves in new ways and new faces, how do we react? When it isn’t what you thought, what path do you choose?
God’s promises say he will be with us in deep waters. Deep waters can be scary. They cannot overcome us. Because we hold to a promise that is deeper still and anything but surface or trite. We hold to the promise that we aren’t alone in the deep waters.
My thought today as I read this scripture is on WHO is with us in the waters. The creator of all we see - the one who wrote the code of the Universe.
He is more than comfort, he is inspiration and wisdom and creativity and power. Deep waters are the mission for a submarine. Deep waters are the path to an ocean liner. Deep waters inspire scuba divers. What if the answer isn’t the exit from the waters but the innovation from the waters? What if what God wants to do in partnership in the face of difficulty goes far beyond stilling your heart and holds a promise of conquering the seas. What if he plans to change what you see as a threat into a resource?
Deep waters. He is with us. What can we do together?
Isaiah 43:1-2