Gratitude Starts Here

Covid sucks. Can we just all agree?

But gratitude starts with finding and celebrating even what the difficult seasons have brought in our life.

The reasons we don’t are pretty simple:

  • We are afraid that gratitude means we are GLAD something bad happened. No! Not glad about it at all! Want it to not have happened. But my gratitude for the good doesn’t add any justification for the bad.

  • We are afraid of offending others. People have gone through real pain. Be sensitive. You don’t have to share your gratitude with everyone at every time about every thing.

Here are some things I’m grateful to Covid for bringing into my life (in no particular order):

  1. Scones. I learned to make scones during lockdown. And they are delicious. Here is a link for the recipe. Oh and also biscuits.

  2. Hand washing. We now all know how to actually and properly wash our hands (wrists included).

  3. Grocery delivery. Shipt is my favorite thing. Not a sponsored post. Just the best money I spend in a month. I don’t get suckered into buying extra and I don’t spend time wandering the aisles. Also it has been a life saver in this formula shortage. (Love you Susie - that’s the name of my favorite shopper)

  4. Increased domestic manufacturing of many essential products. I love international trade but I also love seeing domestic manufacturing take a huge bump. So many companies started over the last few years. Really neat to see the trend happen and continue.

  5. Neighborhood love. I love and appreciate seeing and talking to my neighbors like never before. Every big party feels like a luxury. I love community! And I am so grateful for mine.

Try practicing gratitude even in the hard times - especially in the hard times. Pollyanna might be a movie but it’s a movie about a town that turned around. Maybe gratitude is what we all need in this season.

What are you most grateful for?