Dealing with Transition

When people leave, or things change, how should we respond? Here is the way we’ve decided to respond and the thought process behind that decision.

We have decided to be for people - cheering all the way through the season. That means blessing their next season with all our hearts even when it hurts. Maybe your best friend is moving. Maybe your star employee has a better offer than you can match. Here is a thought process that might help you to keep the relationship and soar through the transition.

Here is what we believe:

  • There is more than enough

  • God’s best for you robs nothing from me

  • I can’t WAIT to see what is next

Here is what we do:

  • Speak faith

  • Listen closely

  • Lead forward

Then let this remind you that your time here will end too. Doesn’t matter if you are talking about a church or job, you will exit one way or the other. So give it your best, never feel stuck, enjoy the moment.

And when you leave, do it with joy, knowing you left your last place better than you found it!