The first messenger of the gospel ... Mary Magdalene. Go and tell your brothers. Lots to like about that. In fact, so much, I wrote an entire blog post about it.
But totally not the point.
Mary was chosen for a purpose. It wasn’t on accident.
As a follower of Christ, I’m commissioned to be a messenger, everyday, every way, all the time, no excuses. And I firmly believe that means every leadership position and opportunity is available to me in the institutional church if God calls me there. Preach, teach, prophesy, pastor, mentor, pray, serve in any way on any day. (Hey hey hey. Rhyming is fun.)
Also totally not the point.
I am, you are, we are chosen for a purpose. It’s not an accident.
See Mary’s role as first gospel carrier redeemed Eve’s role as first death carrier. Remember that? In the garden at the beginning? She carried the message, fruit, of death to Adam and this whole thing got started. Jesus was the seed that crushed the serpent’s head, but like he always does, he went a step further. He redeemed Eve’s role. He exchanged her shame for Mary’s joy. He mirrored the madness of the beginning in the triumph of the tomb. There was a purpose in using Mary - to redeem Eve’s place, story, history. He used Mary to put things right.
And that is how he uses us too. Spread the message. Be the Samaritan. Stand in the gap. Love like He loves. Live unafraid, even of death. Hold the hands of the dying. Pray for the sick. Stand up for the oppressed. Create a stronger and better world for the next generation. Build His kingdom life by life, moment by moment, sacrifice by sacrifice, message by message. Show up uninvited and even unappreciated and never, ever quit.
Our opportunity is never the point. His kingdom always is. The broken world is still loved by a God who felt we were all worth dying to reach. And He still uses people, even women, to put things right
To read more about Eve and Mary check out Finding Eve.