New Year. Same Me.
I’m not saying this isn’t a new beginning. Every sunset is a chance for reset. I’m not saying change isn’t possible. It is inevitable. But if I don’t realize the same me is coming into this new beginning and trying to change, I will keep falling for the same tricks that keep me from moving forward.
One of my roadblocks is the desire to be really, really organized. I love organization, follow organizers on Insta, read books about it, and drool over modern sleek spaces. And every year, I tack on “get organized” to my list of goals. Unfortunately, it takes over because organization isn’t my strength and (spoiler alert) is never really finished when you have four kids living in your house. So, this year, Phil confronted me and said “let’s not get organized. Let’s do these other things and just be content with who we are in that area.” Read: we not organized get used to it. This isn’t defeatist. I am choosing my focus. Intentional moments with my kids and writing books are more important goals for me. And I have proven I can’t have it all. So, I will sort a drawer here or there, but my big goals will not be on hold until the organization fairy comes to our house. I’m moving forward. Same me needs a different strategy so we can have a different outcome.
What are your constant stumbling blocks? What pretty excuses have you created that keep same you from moving forward? This year, determine that same you will choose to do things different. So next year you can say I used this year to create a new me to bring into the future.