You don’t teach gratitude at Disney World

You don’t teach gratitude at Disney World. Gratitude is taught around the dinner table, at the checkout line, and in all the little moments in between. Seeing what others have done for you, what you actually have, and being grateful for it is the antidote to so many moments of unhappiness. And the launching pad for incredible moments too. And like most skills that will change your life for the better, it is learned. 

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The Art of Hosting

Have you ever visited a friend, consulted at a company, spoken at an event and been overwhelmed by how welcomed and valued you felt? That is the result of someone intentionally exercising the art of hosting. Would you like to make your guest, visiting colleague, or guest speaker feel the same way? Here are some tips for being the best host you can be on any budget!

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The Proverbs tell us to above all else get wisdom. Today, I’ve decided to share wisdom from some of the brave women in my life. They each decided to take their pain and use it for purpose. And in the process have left a legacy for me and so many others.

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Today something happened to me. I was hit in the face with the core of Christianity, the gospel that Christ left us, the one that he emphasized over and over again before his death and resurrection. I wasn’t thinking about much. I wasn’t thinking at all. Then, suddenly, a thought flashed into my mind: “Before He was savior, He was a refugee.” 

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That’s a provocative statement, especially in the US.  Growing up, I was convinced that one big idea could move anyone from poverty to prosperity, the shadows to the light, the back room to the pent house.  After spending over ten years working with non-profits, startup companies, and new product launches, I am convinced that ideas don’t matter, execution is everything.  Without execution, ideas don’t come to life.

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